
Naskah film 5 cm
Naskah film 5 cm

Sepuluh tahun terakhir, JIFFest berkembang seiring dengan pertumbuhan perfilman Indonesia. Since 2006, JIFFest has created its own Indonesian Feature Film Competition with foreign film professionals as juries. From 4 in 1999 when JIFFest was held for the first time, the number has grown to around 100 by now.

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Tahun ini JIFFest telah memasuki dekade yang kedua.įor the last decade, JiFFest has grown along with Indonesian film. This year, JiFFest begins its second decade. Selamat datang di Jakarta International Film Festival ke-11! Welcome to the 11th Jakarta International Film Festival! Perubahan jadwal film dan acara dapat diketahui dengan menghubungi JIFFest di (021) 31925115 atau email kami di For changes in screening schedule, JIFFest events, or other queries, please call JIFFest at (021) 31925115, or email us at Buku program ini benar saat dicetak. The program guide is accurate at the moment of printing. Informasi lebih lanjut tentang pembelian tiket dapat dilihat di halaman 56-57 di buku program ini.ĥ1 JiFFest Events 56 Ticket 58 Schedule 60 Print Sources 62 Index All screenings are held in Blitzmegaplex Grand Indonesia For more information on ticketing, go to page 56-57 in this program guide.

naskah film 5 cm naskah film 5 cm

Thamrin 1 Jakarta Pusat (Phone (021) 23580200), - Online at or (for Blitzcard holders only) Ticket price: World Cinema IDR 25,000/ticket World Cinema: Documentary & Madani Film Festival IDR 15,000/ticket Free Screenings - entrance tickets will be given one hour before each screening time.

  • December 4-12 (for Blitzcard holders & for public) - Blitzmegaplex Grand Indonesia, Jl.
  • Thamrin 1 Jakarta Pusat (Phone (021) 23580200), - Online at or (for Blitzcard holders only) During Festival

    naskah film 5 cm

    November 28 - December 3 (for Blitzcard holders & for public) - Blitzmegaplex Grand Indonesia, Jl.November 23 - 27 (for Blitzcard holders only).08 Opening Film 09 Closing Film 10 Premiere 16 World Cinema 24 World Cinema: Documentaryģ2 Swiss Shorts 34 S-express 40 A View From The SEA

    Naskah film 5 cm